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"Welcome to a comprehensive training experience, where we share knowledge and embrace each participant with support and excitement. As we journey together, we will enhance skills and instill confidence while kindling a passion for involvement and connection within our communities as a community. In the spirit of Christ's mission, may this training be a catalyst for positive change, inspiring us to make a meaningful impact together."

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- Robert Clark; Project Director

Training & Support

Vision: Transformational communities, made up of local churches and other community partners, actively seeking shalom through learning, relationship-building, community development, and mutual support.

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work together

Mission: Build a network of transformational communities by equipping locally imbedded leaders with training and ongoing support for the work of shalom.

Systemic, Sustainable Change

Health, Healing, Harmony, and Wholeness

Asset-Based Community Development 

Love for God, Neighbor, and Self

Organizing for Community Transformation

Multicultural, Multi-faith Collaboration


Upcoming Events

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2024 Webinar Series: Living Into God's Intention for Creation

Let's consider connectionalism.

Join us for an exciting online event, the 2024 Webinar Series: Living Into God's Intention for Creation! Starting on Wed May 06 2024 12:00:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time), this series aims to explore and understand how we can align our lives with God's purpose for creation. As we journey together we will delve into the essence of embodying God's purpose for creation – SHALOM. This invitation is extended to anyone with a longing to cultivate a more profound bond with their community and foster deeper connections for the collective well-being.
Throughout the series, we will delve into various topics: Change (March 6th), Contextualization (May 1st), Connecting with Community (July 3rd), Connectionalism (September 4th), and Capacity (November 6th). In the first within the series, Change, we will consider the dynamics of change: What brings about change? Change is an ever-present force, and comprehending the mechanisms behind it enables us to guide those transformations proactively. Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your understanding and make a positive impact. Join us and be inspired to live into God's intention for creation!

Registration Now Open
Fall 2024 Classes

The Academy for Congregational and Community Transformation (ACCT) provides a comprehensive catalog of courses tailored for both laity and clergy. 

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Please send us a note if you would like more information or to schedule a meeting. We want to serve you so you can serve your community.

Thanks for submitting!



Travis Park United Methodist Church

230 E Travis Street

San Antonio, TX 78205


Rev. Robert Clark; Project Director


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