Participants in the Transforming Communities 9 month training will gain knowledge and hands-on experience in the application of the principles of asset-based community development [ABCD], facilitation techniques, action planning and application, identifying underlying contradictions and challenges within communities, and a theology of Shalom. The Transforming Communities Training is currently offered in an online format, and includes online instruction, reflection conversations, webinar presentations, and ongoing accompaniment from a member of the TCN team. Time between training sessions allows teams to complete assignments and put the tools they are acquiring to use in their unique context. Each team will work with its community to develop a strategy for transformation. Learning Session content is based on the biblical principles of SHALOM [Jeremiah 29:7] and the United Methodist Church’s Communities of SHALOM framework which seeks to apply long-term holistic and sustainable transformation through community development.
Community Asset Mapping
Learn to identify the hidden assets and resources in in your local community by creating an asset map. This hands-on workshop will guide your team through the process.
Social (relationship) NetworkMapping
Identify the connections that already exist within your community and learn how to better utilize your teams shared connections to build shalom.
Gifts of the Head, Heart, and Hands
Discover the various gifts that you share a s a community and learn how to activate those gifts for the work of shalom.
Next Application Deadline has been extended to February 15th, 2024
Training in Core Skills
Section 1
Theology of Shalom
Asset-Based Community Development
Mindset & Mission shifts
Scarcity to Abundance
Doing For to Doing With
Transactional to Relational
Section 2
Facilitative Leadership
Focused Conversation Method
Multi-sector Collaborations
Social (relationship) NetworkMapping
Section 3
Putting it into Practice
Expanding the team
Setting short-term goals